Monday, September 1, 2014

Why Do Girls Diet?

       There's being hot and food. I choose food most times and try to balance it with a work out. Nothing special, just a 15min Youtube vid and I'm good to go. After all the great question is: Why do girls diet? It seems like women are in a constant weight watching mode. I don't want to start with the image the media portrays because it's a topic that once I start cannot stop discussing.  I'm not going to pretend that I'm all confidant and have it all figured out. My weight is something I worry about everyday. But why, oh why am I always in some dieting mode? It seems like I haven't lost any weight in the past year. I am GUESSING that most women are in a likewise situation. We diet to NOT gain weight. Most people don't actually lose weight during diets. It's usually just so we can still fit in them skinny jeans, not have to buy another pair 1-2-3... size(s) smaller. Is there a solution to this constant need to lose weight? I don't know, when I find out I'll let you know. 

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