Sunday, September 28, 2014

High School Dance Tips

     So I went to my first "real" highschool dance this weekend. It was very...interesting but also quite fun. Lots of grinding and other such things. Tips to make high school dances more fun: (caution you may not like this)

  • Go with a date (that you actually like)
  • The next best option is to go with a group
  • Have fun, but don't get caught by your parents/police
  • Wear a short dress unless it's prom (that's an unwritten rule right there)
  • Put some dam deodorant on
  • Wear shoes you can actually walk in (ain't nobody got time for someone complaining about their feet all night)
  • Don't be that person judging everyone who's actually trying to have fun
  • Don't have unprotected sex and make sure the dude doesn't have some STD
  • Don't puke and go back on the dance floor (that smell is just too nasty)
  • Be loud
  • Have fun 
  • Make memories

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