Monday, December 1, 2014


Sometimes it feels like it's just too much. There's only so much you feel you can handle. It's like a cup of water. Once in awhile you are going to have overflows. Stop ---> take a deep breath ---> one day at a time. You got this. Just survive today. Tomorrow will come, well, tomorrow!

Bad Days

Maybe it's my teenage mind speaking. It just feels like everyone hates me. Do you ever have that feeling where everything you say seems wrong?  I keep having to remind myself that I'm here to please no one. High school will be over in two years and I'll only be talking to a fraction of those people. If someone doesn't like my personality, or thinks i'm too loud, so be it. I'm gonna be judged anyways, it might as well be because I'm being myself

"You're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't, so you might as well do whatever you want"
Do You My Lovelies


Sunday, September 28, 2014

High School Dance Tips

     So I went to my first "real" highschool dance this weekend. It was very...interesting but also quite fun. Lots of grinding and other such things. Tips to make high school dances more fun: (caution you may not like this)

  • Go with a date (that you actually like)
  • The next best option is to go with a group
  • Have fun, but don't get caught by your parents/police
  • Wear a short dress unless it's prom (that's an unwritten rule right there)
  • Put some dam deodorant on
  • Wear shoes you can actually walk in (ain't nobody got time for someone complaining about their feet all night)
  • Don't be that person judging everyone who's actually trying to have fun
  • Don't have unprotected sex and make sure the dude doesn't have some STD
  • Don't puke and go back on the dance floor (that smell is just too nasty)
  • Be loud
  • Have fun 
  • Make memories

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


     Teachers have the capability to make anything fun. Even if it's Bio class. The way a teacher presents the material is a key factor to whether or not the student will understand the material. To all those teachers who actually like teaching and helping your students- Thank You!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Hashtag Nails

      Girls like impressing guys. We put makeup on, straighten or curl our hair, wear perfume...and all that jazz. I mean if we really think about it guys don't really care if our nails don't match our outfit. So the real reason we spend so much time on ourselves is because of each other. Us as humans are naturally competitive. We want the best house, car, clothes, nails, boyfriend...etc But all this is ultimately unnecessary. I mean as long as you and your nails are clean, the guy should be grateful. I like doing my nails and I consider it a hobby. I wear makeup because I like it. I do all this for ME and that's the way it should be. 

Why Do Girls Diet?

       There's being hot and food. I choose food most times and try to balance it with a work out. Nothing special, just a 15min Youtube vid and I'm good to go. After all the great question is: Why do girls diet? It seems like women are in a constant weight watching mode. I don't want to start with the image the media portrays because it's a topic that once I start cannot stop discussing.  I'm not going to pretend that I'm all confidant and have it all figured out. My weight is something I worry about everyday. But why, oh why am I always in some dieting mode? It seems like I haven't lost any weight in the past year. I am GUESSING that most women are in a likewise situation. We diet to NOT gain weight. Most people don't actually lose weight during diets. It's usually just so we can still fit in them skinny jeans, not have to buy another pair 1-2-3... size(s) smaller. Is there a solution to this constant need to lose weight? I don't know, when I find out I'll let you know. 

Two More Years

     High School is one of those places that are not usually as bad as people describe them to be but still most people would not want to go through again. Let's just be honest here, high school is not really about the academics. I mean I guess we do learn a few things in bio class but when you're a teen the social life is all that matters. 

     I guess I was considered "popular" in my old school. Although if you think of it logically there's no such thing as "popular". The whole social ladder in school is mostly in our minds but it doesn't make it any less influential. Although I was "popular" I had days where I just felt like I was out of the loop. As if I was watching from the outside. Maybe it was because my background was so different from my peers. Plus it's normal right? The hormones might have been a factor of such moments of loneliness.
     I'm starting a new school next year and yes I am nervous. I know it's only two years left and I'm out of there but teenagers have a way of intimidating me even though I myself am a teen. Their "not caring" "all about me" attitude often throws me off. Let's just remember two more years people and I'm out!