Sunday, August 31, 2014

Hashtag BeHappy

Take a deep breath, search for your blessings not your struggles, and have a laugh!

ATTENTION: this may ruin your childhood

say NO against sharing

     This is a message for all them motherfuckers- Me no like sharing food.


Screw Annoying Relatives

     Everyone has annoying relatives or just acquaintances that make us feel like punching a wall. They show up uninformed and at the worst possible moments. No matter how hard we try, they just seem to not go away. The question is, how does one deal with those people?? Well, I have no clue. I'm still figuring this whole crap out. Distance is my only plan. I'm not saying to cut out your family entirely. Seeing them once in awhile will give you your space and (kinda) keep them happy. 

Saturday, August 30, 2014


     I've been brought up as a Catholic. But I am at a point in my life where my faith has been questioned. However one thing I am certain of is that we have a responsibility to take care of one another and the planet. God has given us so many gifts. Like rain. Playing in the rain is one of the many things my childhood has left me. Although now I have to think of my hair and clothing and how to clean up the mess "I'm singing in the rain  just singing in the rain  what a glorious feeling to be happy again...!"
Singing in the Rain vid

Hashtag guy probs

     I am one of those girls who went through puberty a little earlier than my fellow comrades. My boobs and buttocks have always attracted a little attention. Most people think I should be thankful for my figure and I truly am. What I don't appreciate is that guys expect me to be "loose". Just because I have bigger breasts it does not mean at any moment that they have the right to insult or touch me. 
     I understand that guys cannot control certain things as well as girls but your thoughts do not control your words nor actions. So please keep your hands to yourself.

Why A Blog?

     This blog is my anger management. I don't like talking to psychiatrists because they make me feel like a crazy person, plus they're expensive (ain't nobody got time for wastin money). This is cheaper and might improve my writing skills. 
     The blog is gonna be my journal, with as many spelling mistakes as I want. If you stumble unto it, be free to read it. If you're offended please leave a comment; I like learning from others. 
     It's not going to be fancy. All I want is a place to place my very random thoughts. So here we go!

Little Brothas

     We can all agree that siblings are one of the best gifts (and curses at times) in this great world. My brother is considerably the most annoying person ever created. He tries to do the least  possible amount of work every time there's a task at hand, and that's only one of his many felonies. That motherfucker just makes me want to punch a wall. 
     As you can tell I'm pretty angry. But I learned that anger is only temporary and at the end of the day we're put into this world as siblings for a reason. I'm just gonna take a deep breath, do some yoga, drink tea or whatever will help release the pressure from anger. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Hashtag Friends

     Finding true friends is a process which is sometimes long, sometimes short (because you've just known the person forever). But man when you find him/her it will be so worth it.  And sometimes you just gotta go through the crappiest people to find that one true friend. I Guess I shouldn't say "find" since you don't go some place to find them. It's destiny and meant to be. You just find each other at one point or another.  (Could this be any cheesier??)

Random Thoughts

Hashtag Selfie